


good eats


Welcome to the homeplace blog

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In the fall of 2020, I finally got around to reading a book that a friend passed on to me. It’s called 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. Here’s a summary from Google Books: 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess The true story of how my family and I took seven months, […]


7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess

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I was listening to a podcast recently about ‘5 tips to help your blog be successful,’ or something like that. One of the points was don’t use too many words. Well, I’m ditching that advice for this post. There’s just too much to share and I don’t want to leave out any details here. But […]


For Sale By Owner, Part I

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Every summer, we go berry picking at the coolest “mom + pop” berry farm here in Blacksburg. It’s owned by a local family who does it for a hobby and we are lucky enough that they chose our town to live in. Sadly, we aren’t in Blacksburg this summer, so I’m already trying to figure […]

Good Eats

Berry Cobbler + Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

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I’m not a seasoned gardener, by any means. I think I’d find myself somewhere in between beginner and intermediate. But the best thing about gardening? You only need to know the basics to start growing. My first year gardening, I started with sunflowers, zucchini, snap peas, carrots, peppers, and tomatoes in a (probably too) small […]


Summer Garden

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I am a wannabe minimalist. I used to throw that word around and call myself an actual ‘minimalist,’ but since watching the Minimalism documentary on Netflix, I don’t think I’ve actually earned the right to call myself one. So I’ll just call myself a wannabe minimalist for now. When we found out I was pregnant […]


Minimal Baby Registry

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I’m 30 years old today.  Everyone has fears in life. Sometimes they are super unlikely to happen, like getting bit by a shark or struck by lightning. Some are more likely to happen than others. My biggest fear, though, is inevitable. I’m afraid of getting old. The wrinkles, the gray hair, all of it. It […]


Thirty for 30

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