Adams Family Update

  1. Sheila says:

    Praying for whatever is best for your hubby’s health & your birthday beautiful family. Love, hugs & prayers💗💙❤️🙏

  2. Caitlin says:

    Just here to say that I think Norfolk is a wonderful place for a duty station 🙂

  3. April says:

    Prayers that your plan will be clear!

    • Regan Adams says:

      Thank you April! It’s been the most “unclear” it’s ever been it seems. But feeling peace that we will end up where it’s right for us to be.

  4. Mary Ann Gory says:

    Praying for His will and peace for your family during this time of waiting. “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not harm you and give you hope and a future, declares the Lord.”

  5. […] you didn’t read our last family update, that would be a great place to […]

  6. […] Update No. 1: We weren’t sure if we were going to stay in the Air Force because of a medical condition that Lucas has. […]

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